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Tag : local

Sunny South, the final beard

Do I have a lot to catch up on. But one step at a time so long as its forward. It’s always a great sense of accomplishment when you are able to complete the goals you set out for yourself and I am, if nothing else, feeling excited at what’s to come. 


A Sunny Independence Day

Burning the midnight oil and getting things done.  If you want to get anywhere in life, don’t make excuses, make efforts towards your goals. I certainly have mine and I work towards them every day. Even if it means pulling overtime and your 9-5 then coming home, caffeinated and back on your own grind. 


Sunny South Wishes

Hello Hello readers. I’m back! I know it’s been a bit since I’ve checked in and let me just say, it was a very relaxing vacation with very little interaction with technology. We all need some time to disconnect after all. I did however have a few photos I was working on that I just had to finish up and I’m bringing to. you know.  (more…)

Mekronium Live at O’Malley’s

I did this thing a bit back where I went to see GEARS kick off their summer tour at O’Malley’s last month and got to take in a bit of new music from these guys. Go on, click the read more button.  (more…)

The Von Illuminated

It has been a very busy time for me lately and I have not one complaint in the world. What’s even better is that with each time out behind the lens, I am learning something new. I believe one should never stop working not their craft. 


Churchill’s and the Grey 8’s

Ah, Churchill’s. The place has been around almost as long as I have and in Miami lately, that’s saying a lot as most of the places we grew up frequenting have been closing. (more…)

Where there is a will

I’ve been so wrapped up on my backlog that I had not been able to go shooting with my new Babe. That is until today.  (more…)

Soulicide Rocks The Lot

Well, well. It’s finally time for the last and final installment of my weekend with Soulicide. I will admit I put this set off though I had my reasons.  (more…)

Pandia killing it at Cheers

I can’t believe I’m still up and at it so late. In about 30 minutes I will be officially burning the midnight oil once more though to me it’s worth it. It is especially worth it for this particular set. Why? Well, because this was a challenge for me. (more…)

The Von at Propoganda

I’m a big fan of a venue with great lighting and Propaganda definitely fell on that list for me. From the moment I walked in to the venue last Saturday and saw the red wall, I was instantly excited to get to shooting. I was even more excited to get home and get editing my shots. (more…)