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Tag : Miami music scene

Sunny South Wishes

Hello Hello readers. I’m back! I know it’s been a bit since I’ve checked in and let me just say, it was a very relaxing vacation with very little interaction with technology. We all need some time to disconnect after all. I did however have a few photos I was working on that I just had to finish up and I’m bringing to. you know.  (more…)

Pandia Trio at GSpot

Just in time I say.

I’ve been once again burning the midnight oil. While I still have a couple of sets to work through, I can now say that I have completed the last set of images from a particularly great weekend for me. I love this feeling of accomplishment. Small victories equal great feelings. But let’s not wax all poetic. After all, this is all about the photos people. Isn’t it? (more…)

Mekronium Live at O’Malley’s

I did this thing a bit back where I went to see GEARS kick off their summer tour at O’Malley’s last month and got to take in a bit of new music from these guys. Go on, click the read more button.  (more…)

Intermodal Dade

While I have a special blog entry drafted, spellchecked and ready to post, I’ve been keeping busy with a few projects both personally and professionally. (more…)

Day 4 Rocking Femme Fest

Well, well. The trifecta is now complete.  (more…)

Modern Mimes at Churchill’s

I’m always up for some new music and Femme Fest at Churchill’s was of no exception. Yes, I have been quite busy though productive. No, I don’t quit. This post completes band 2 of 3. (more…)

Sunny South at the Beard

What started off as a night that should have been fairly quiet, it turned out to be a night of 3 bands in two different locations. What great times. 


Churchill’s and the Grey 8’s

Ah, Churchill’s. The place has been around almost as long as I have and in Miami lately, that’s saying a lot as most of the places we grew up frequenting have been closing. (more…)

Sunny South at Mardi Gras, Casino that is

Well well, here I am with a slightly bittersweet post. You see, while I do have some items on my backlog yet to edit, this set is a special set. Why you ask?


Instrumental to the sound

Drums, guitars, cymbals, saxes and yes, even vocal chords. All are instruments as they are instrumental.
