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Tag : small venue

He represents the real Hip Hop

Ladies and gentleman and all in between. I am absolutely ecstatic to be writing to you today. I’m not going to beat around the bush here. I was both privileged and blessed to not simply attend a live and intimate performance of one of my all time favorite Hip Hop artists, I was given the opportunity to capture it with my lens. Yes yes y’all, ya don’t stop, KRS-ONE, rock on! and I was there. 


Sunny South, the final beard

Do I have a lot to catch up on. But one step at a time so long as its forward. It’s always a great sense of accomplishment when you are able to complete the goals you set out for yourself and I am, if nothing else, feeling excited at what’s to come. 


A new sound, Wilkof Project

I love coming across new bands. Let me tell you. 


Flashback to Swampgrass Willy’s, Modern Mimes

It’s been a long time since I have been to Swampgrass Willy’s. It isn’t exactly around the corner for me but for the right band, it’s well worth the drive.  That being said….


Seeing a Revolution

Sometimes you have to take a step back…. then go at it again. (more…)

Sunny South Wishes

Hello Hello readers. I’m back! I know it’s been a bit since I’ve checked in and let me just say, it was a very relaxing vacation with very little interaction with technology. We all need some time to disconnect after all. I did however have a few photos I was working on that I just had to finish up and I’m bringing to. you know.  (more…)

Mekronium Live at O’Malley’s

I did this thing a bit back where I went to see GEARS kick off their summer tour at O’Malley’s last month and got to take in a bit of new music from these guys. Go on, click the read more button.  (more…)

GEARS, setting it off in Miami !!!

Guess who finally got her fix? Yeah, you guessed it, this one. 

It’s been a long time since I’ve seen these guys rock the stage and I was way overdue. 


Live at Kelsey Theater

Hello all you lovely people. It’s me again. I’ve been working hard. On that grind day in and day out though I have been loving it. You see, I did a thing on April 20th and of course I brought the Beast along with me. Want to see how it began? Read on… (more…)

Day 4 Rocking Femme Fest

Well, well. The trifecta is now complete.  (more…)