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Tag : studio

The Von Illuminated

It has been a very busy time for me lately and I have not one complaint in the world. What’s even better is that with each time out behind the lens, I am learning something new. I believe one should never stop working not their craft. 


Practice on two counts

A little while ago, I had the opportunity to take the Beast out for his first live music experience and yes, we crashed a Sunny South practice at Zombie Pop Studios.  (more…)

Practice for Two

What do you do when you are in the mood to get creative yet the city is on lockdown waiting to see what a particular hurricane does? (more…)

The Von, Up Close and Personal

Hey everyone,

It’s time for another entry in to this lovely journey of mine. To all my readers, supporters, friend and family, hi again. For all my new visitors, hello and welcome. I’m very excited to be writing this entry today. Why is that it? Because…


A peek in to FlowerBlade Records

Hello and welcome. I wish my eyes could take photos, I am constantly being drawn to this and that. Luckily I always have my camera with me, so when there is something I just have capture, it’s there. I’m always making photos in my mind. I was born this way. I cannot imagine myself being any other way. (more…)

A Vladez Birthday

Hello and welcome people. The Queen is here and bringing to you a quick and special set taken last weekend at Flower Blade Studios. The band I got to shoot, Vladez, a Jam, Blues, Progressive band from my neck of the woods.


Set in Motion

A couple of weeks back I was invited to sit in while a friend of ours and his new band were laying down some tracks for the upcoming EP of theirs. Now I was shooting more from a personal level, being that I was truthfully just enjoying hanging out. However, I did get a couple of shots that I wanted to share with you all. There are a couple from the recording session, as well as some from the downtime at the pool hall. They are nothing fancy, just good times with some great people and a group that I get to shoot doing their thing in the very near future. Stay tuned for those posts for sure. (more…)