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Tag : Sunny South

A Sunny Independence Day

Burning the midnight oil and getting things done.  If you want to get anywhere in life, don’t make excuses, make efforts towards your goals. I certainly have mine and I work towards them every day. Even if it means pulling overtime and your 9-5 then coming home, caffeinated and back on your own grind. 


Sunny South Wishes

Hello Hello readers. I’m back! I know it’s been a bit since I’ve checked in and let me just say, it was a very relaxing vacation with very little interaction with technology. We all need some time to disconnect after all. I did however have a few photos I was working on that I just had to finish up and I’m bringing to. you know.  (more…)

Sunny South at the Beard

What started off as a night that should have been fairly quiet, it turned out to be a night of 3 bands in two different locations. What great times. 


Practice on two counts

A little while ago, I had the opportunity to take the Beast out for his first live music experience and yes, we crashed a Sunny South practice at Zombie Pop Studios.  (more…)

Sunny South Lincoln Beard

What do you know, I have a great local brewery near my neighborhood and they host live music. This queen is certainly pleased.


Practice for Two

What do you do when you are in the mood to get creative yet the city is on lockdown waiting to see what a particular hurricane does? (more…)

Sunny South getting down

I’m going to admit something right from the start. I don’t care for this particular set. Not on account of the band, not at all. I love those guys. The venue however, I just wasn’t feeling the lighting.  (more…)